Manage DC assets from the largest recordkeepers, regardless of your relationship with the plan.
Future Capital Wealth is the only held-away 401(k) asset management platform that provides a spectrum of management options—from direct asset management, to professionally-designed portfolio selection, to referring clients for guided portfolio management. This unparalleled flexibility enables advisors to generate new organic revenue by delivering personalized, compliant retirement strategies tailored to each clients’ financial needs.
Manage client 401(k) assets and discover other investable assets like orphaned retirement accounts, spousal accounts, and more.
Monitor participation and termination data so you can engage clients to help them make informed decisions.
Securely manage held-away 401(k) assets and act in client’s best financial interests without triggering custody.
Strengthen client relationships and safeguard your business from recordkeepers and other firms vying for the same assets.
Seamlessly integrate workplace retirement assets from your client's entire household with their overall financial plan.
Win at the convergence of wealth and retirement by enhancing and diversifying your services to meet the demands of a changing market.
Use your unique login link to create an account in the Future Capital Advisor Platform.
Enter your clients' names and email addresses or copy your unique invitation link and send on your own.
Leverage contribution and termination data to discover engagement opportunities and provide holistic service.
Take the first step to managing your clients’ held-away 401(k) assets with Future Capital. Fill out the form below to see how our platform can help you protect and grow your practice.